Tuesday 1 April 2014

This is the 1:50 outline 'planometric', I believe Jamie called it. I probably would have called it 'random aerial view'. Supposed to be an axo, but that button didn't seem to jump out and hit me on the head at 3am. Doesn't have any of the planting included which will flow all around the back of the pond system, but gives the overall structure of the detailed hardscape and the trees. Below that is the second draft planting plan. Still needs bigger groupings and will now be looking to combine some plants together in mixed groups and spread it over two sheets. Wishing we had some more time to talk detailed planting with our tutor Julia Fogg, as it's the first time we've really been able to chew over a planting plan in any detail with her input. Love talking to people who know more about plants than me. Dull otherwise!

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